Grief therapy

Grief therapy 

Have you experienced a recent loss or are you still struggling with difficult emotions? Then grief  therapy can help you.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross has described 5 stages after the death of a loved one: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
Even though the experience of losing a loved is very painful, we can come to terms with it and move on in life.
This specialised therapy can be very helpful and  is especially indicated if you have the feeling of being stuck or if you are still overwhelmed by intense emotions.
We will look at the kind of relationship you had with the person,   the circumstances around after the death, your available support system, your belief system.
I also use a combination of creative techniques and rituals (like writing a letter to the deceased) as well as hypnotherapy, EMDR and psycho-education.
“Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us everyday”