Stress and Burnout
Managing stress
Stress is becoming the largest work-related case of illness. Stress is a natural physical and psychological reaction to a perceived danger. Moderate levels of stress can be positive and help us accomplish certain actions (like taking an exam). And all of us experience periods of more intense stress at times for example because of a conflict at work, a separation or financial problems. But prolonged stress might develop into a burnout or more serious anxiety issues.
Managing stress can be achieved through working on work-life balance, hearth-coherence, breathing exercises, practicing mindfulness. Looking at our thought and belief systems and changing those is also important.
Burnout diagnosis and treatment
Burnout is a mental and psychological condition due to long-term stress and work overload. It is becoming the number one cause of sick-leave.
It is characterised by some of these symptoms:
- feeling tired/exhausted
- sleeping problems
- irritability
- feeling “on the edge”
- concentration and memory problems
- feeling disengaged at work
Treatment is usually conducted in various phases:
- Diagnosis: Clinical interview and Maslach Burnout Inventory, coping strategies. Formal diagnosis is usually made by the Company doctor.
- Treatment: Depending on the situation, various techniques can be used: Relaxation techniques, hypnosis, working on thoughts and belief patterns, improving work-life balance.
- Consolidation and work-reintegration.
Through my work as a psychologist for over 20 years I have extended experience in working with burnout. I also give in-company burnout prevention trainings (via Work Place Options).